Ep. 4: The Advantages of Utilizing IPTV

There are many reasons why companies need and want to stream a TV signal over their corporate network. Robert Mautino, CTO, Z-Band Technologies, spoke about some of the advantages of IPTV for communicating on a large network platform. From an advertising company that needs to monitor multiple television channels to a corporate setting where communicating messages in various areas is critical, IPTV can solve myriad needs.

Today’s technology makes utilizing IPTV simple, because most existing network infrastructure already supports this capability. And, with IPTV, complex electronic messaging needs are managed from one location without having to have extra equipment and cabling.

“In an airport, for example, you’ll see them streaming news and entertainment channels in waiting areas, but there are also displays showing informational signage, directions, advertising … IPTV handles a whole range of different needs,” Mautino said.

Is there a difference between IPTV and over-the-top programming? Over-the-top programming typically refers to sending video messages from the corporate network to a cellular network. Due to the variances in people’s devices and cellular plans, IPTV streaming is not ideal for this type of need. Though Mautino pointed out there are ways to get video signals to wireless providers within someone’s network.

“The end use for most of our clients is surprisingly the same,” Mautino said. “However, the minor details are the things that make 80% of the work in setting up, configuring and determining what the customer wants to do.”

Once the customer’s needs are defined in how they want to distribute video, what they want to distribute, and onto what channels, Mautino said his team next determines that the customer’s network can support the amount of traffic generated by the desired usage. It is easy to create the right IPTV solution after addressing all areas of concern.


Ep. 5: The Growing Role of Live-Streaming and Digital Video


Ep. 3: Supporting COVID-19 Needs and Commercial Bandwidth